Baron and I had gone for a hike a few springs back at one of our favorite spots. It was the old iron mine ponds, now a WMA (Wildlife Management Area) called the Goethite. It's was a great place for a dog to romp and swim without needing to be leashed. I could also get in some birding. The ponds were connected by a tiny stream.

On this particular day, however, we met a roadblock. A culvert underneath a shallow spillway connected two of the ponds, which we intended to circle. It seems some local residents had blocked the culvert with sticks and mud and then proceeded to build a small dam across the spillway. The net effect was to raise the water level in the pond by about a foot and discourage Troutbirder from continuing around the pond. He didn't want to get his new hiking shoes wet, as the spillway was covered by several inches of running water, and quite muddy

Baron says, "Come on Boss! Whatcha waiting for?"
Troutbirder says, "Dam engineers!"
As you can see from the blog header, Baron's successor Miss Lily also liked to check out beaver dams.....
Fun to watch them in action.They did it to a trout stream but it silted in and the conservation opened it up
ReplyDeleteThose local residents are pretty determined, it seems. :-)
ReplyDeleteDam good title.
ReplyDeleteFor a minute there I thought I was reading a truck driver's blog.
ReplyDeleteHi TB - clever locals I say ... cheers Hilary
ReplyDeleteDam good! I like that last picture of the beaver.
ReplyDeleteYou just be careful about disparaging our national icon. ;)
ReplyDeleteThat last photo is great. Looks like the beaver was busy making your life more difficult!
ReplyDeleteThose Wildlife Engineers can make some trouble!!
ReplyDeleteYou have to admire their engineering prowess if not the results.
ReplyDeleteInitially, I was thinking "what goofs did that?"...then I realized that it was beaver! Hahahaha! Troublemakers!
ReplyDeleteI loved seeing pictures of Baron again !
ReplyDeletebeavers are great builders! My cousins dogs were attacked by a beaver last week, they both had to be stitched up :(
ReplyDeleteBeavers are amazing!!!!
ReplyDeleteHaha! I miss the beaver that used to hang out in the pond near our house. They are such amazing engineers.