Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Innocent or Guilty?

It seems a flower pot was knocked off a table in the Troutbirder home. Rushing into the room, I found dirt all over the floor. There were two apparent suspects in view. each proclaiming their own innocence.

Simba (Mrs T's) spoiled cat claimed that in the process of harrasing him, the dog had crashed into the table, upsetting the pot.

Baron, (Troutbirders GSD) simply said, The Devil made Simba do it.

What do you think?


  1. Our cat use to get onto a counter and drop pencils and pens down to our new puppy and watch him chew them. It gave her great pleasure to tease him and watch him mess with things.

  2. It's got to be the cat. Always blame the cat!

  3. Oh they look totally innocent to me..since you don't have absolute proof of guilt..perhaps you have a ghost:)

  4. What a totally marvelous picture (the last one)......for one thing, it shows Baron in a completely different setting and very unposed. Almost "caught in the act" so to speak.....not that I am charging him with the, no. I have no idea who the guilty culprit might be. They both look innocent or guilty as hell to me.

    And that gorgeous orange cat....don't recall ever seeing her before. I love eavesdropping on animals.

  5. Take the word of a dog over a cat any day of the week. Just look into their eyes and you will see the evil one.

  6. I think maybe Troutbirder had something to do with it and is trying to put the blame on the poor innocent pets!

  7. It's the cat. It's always the cat. They just like to look like they haven't been doing anything.

  8. I hate to profile, but it had to be the cat.

  9. Your previous commenters have already placed the blame, and rightly so. It's always the cat. :-)

  10. Being more of a dog person I would blame that cat.

  11. Their innocent looks are funny. I'm betting the cat did it.
    We once had a dog that we caught in the chicken coop with feathers in her mouth. She couldn't deny, but she still tried to look pitiful as well as innocent!

  12. Looks like a conspiracy for sure--like our cat Phoebe knocking a dish of nuts to the floor where MollyTheDog hoovered them up...

  13. The Gingham dog and the Calico cat, side by side on the table sat . . . Wallowed this way and tumbled that, Employing every tooth and claw
    In the awfullest way you ever saw ---
    I think it was "The Duel!" (by Eugene Field) ;-)

    Loved this post. btw: did anyone volunteer to clean it up? Usually the guilty party...

  14. I Know it was "The Duel" by Eugene Field. However, I wonder if Simba and The Baron were practicing for the parts... ;-)

  15. In my experience, if you blame it on the dog even if he didn't do it, he will feel remorse and beg for forgiveness. If you blame it on the cat, either way, he won't care. ;)
    xo Catherine

  16. I believe a more thorough investigation is in order. Check the paws! :)

  17. The cat put the dog up to it, to get your attention and remind you it was time for dinner.

  18. Personally, I would never blame a dog for anything if there is a cat within a 50 mile radius, but I may not be impartial in a canine vs. feline controversy. Sorry it's been awhile since I've come around, TB. Enjoyed browsing your recent entries and am especially glad to hear that Barb is doing well after her surgery.

  19. I think a trial by jury is in order. But don't summon me! I'm partial to dogs ;)

  20. Maybe Troutbirder is the culprit and he's looking for a scapegoat?

  21. Love the pictures! Um...Simba looks pretty guilty. :S

  22. Hmmmm, me thinks he doth protest too much. Yep, I bet it was the human and he is trying to divert attention to the 4-leggeds.
    Shame on you, human! Blaming those innocent babies!
    And had it been the cat, he would have been busy playing (or pooping) in the dirt. Definitely not the cat.
