Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snake Bird

A large bird of southern swamps, the Anhinga is known as the Water-Turkey for its swimming habits and broad tail, and also as the Snake-Bird for its habit of swimming with just its long head and neck sticking out of the water. They are related to Cormorants.


  1. I thought maybe it was named that because it ate snakes! You are teaching me so much about birds! Does it swim in order to catch fish to eat?

  2. Great pictures. I see the cormorant family resemblance.

  3. I used to love seeing them dry out like that.
    I had trouble telling Ahinga and Cormorants apart at first.

  4. I have never seen of these except in photos. They really do resemble the Cormorants, and we do have those around here.

  5. Have never seen one, so thanks for the neat views!

  6. Your dog is so handsome. I'm guessing a male? He's regal.

  7. love these! we occasionally get a cormorant here, but never an anhinga.

  8. How interesting. I've never even heard of them. They remind me a little bit of my beloved Turkey Buzzards !

  9. A pretty cool looking bird.

  10. These birds are making me miss summer Sunday country drives! Like your new header photo - cute and fun!
    xo Catherine

  11. I almost didn't come over to take a look..just the name..poor thing.
    Are you home? Are you getting the snowstorm this time?:)
