Baron is almost two now and doing very well. Once I learned from the Vet that he had congenitally bad joints, I've kept him away from roughhousing with other dogs. The twisting and turning always left him limping. Now we do birding hikes, swimming and lately biking and running full speed straight ahead.... till Friday that is. 

We were racing down Oak Hill, me on the bike on the road and him in the ditch, flat out sprinting. Then two rabbits appeard from the woods, ran across the road in front of me with Baron hot on their tail. The ensuing crash left me on the road wondering how I got there and dog and rabbit headed back into the woods. It was a few minutes before I was able to get up but being somewhat dizzy (a natural condition of mine according to Queen B) I had to sit down again. Baron was nowhere to be found and my expectation that he would do the Lassie or Rin Tin Tin thing by coming to check me out and then go for help was not met. Thinking that laying in the middle of a blacktop road very long was not a good idea I managed to limp back home pushing the twisted bike in front of me.
Upon my good spouses insistence (Queen B), I visited the local urgent care clinic. X-rays showed no permanent damage to go with the scratches, bruises and badly sprained shoulder. Of course, as the doctor checked out the head gashes, she took the opportunity to chew me out for not wearing a helmet.
Or as my Uncle Walter used to say "ve gets too soon alt, unt too late shmart" Amen.