....and so we made it back to Minnesota safely. Ah, maybe I should start at the beginning. After our first ever Florida visit last spring, to bird and watch the Twins spring training at Hammond Field in Fort Myers, we decided to return this winter. An invitation to visit Mrs. T.’s cousin Joe and wife Mary made the decision all the easier, along with the really bad weather we’ve been having here lately. So, with Baron and Simba safely boarded up for the duration and our new Garmin GPS system ready to lead the way, we drove off for the sunny South. Luck was with us from the beginning, as we were two days ahead of the mega storm, that paralyzed much of the mid- continent, before it headed on up to the Northeast.

Joe and Mary were wonderfully gracious hosts as they introduced us to the "lifestyle" of Minnesota’s "snowbirds" in Florida. Their winter home base is in Sebastian, on the Atlantic Coast, some miles south of NASA’s space and rocket launch site, at Cape Canaveral. The living was relaxed and easy with plenty of amenities and recreational opportunities yet not overcrowded and hectic. Somehow, in the excitement of packing, I seemed to think we were headed back to Alaska and failed to bring shorts or even short sleeved shirts. A visit to a local shopping center, on arrival, did cure that problem. We liked the area a lot and intend to investigate further opportunities.

Let's follow Mary and Queen B as they lead us around the community.

A golf course wound its way around the community and we found a flock of Great White Egrets checking out the fairway. Even more amazing, some of them were found sitting on the peaks of the condos, basking in the morning sun.

Thus, as the sun set on our first day, amidst the warmth of family and Florida sunshine, we looked forward to the next day..... and the barrier islands of America's first National Wildlife Refuge, Pelican Island. Stay tuned.