Directions -
•Melt butter; mix with flour and press into baking pan.
•Pour pecans over and press down.
•Bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
•Mix cream cheese with confectioners' sugar and peanut
•Mix well.
•Pour over crust.
•Mix vanilla and chocolate pudding mixes with the milk and
Cool Whip.
It might seem the raging issue of sexual harassment should
not be the instigator of a wry grin on my part but…. Let us be clear, it is a the fact that its
widespread existence is disgusting and immoral and I condemn it whole
heartedly. Still there is that wry grin.
Let me explain.
It all began after my move to a new middle school after 26
years of teaching seniors social studies in our local high school. I volunteered
for the move as I was ready for a new teaching experience. It was a great blending of a few high school teachers with a
majority of teachers with elementary
experience. I loved it. The kids and parents loved it. Age appropriate at its
It just so happened that my lunch break coincided with a
group of the female teachers. I was outnumbered. One of the highlights was the ladies
regularly brought cookies and other treats on a rotating basis. My limited
culinary skills required an occasional trip to the local bakery for donuts…. On
the day in question I was reminded to sample the cake on the counter. “What is
it,? I asked. “Robert Redford Cake! It’s
really good they chorused. They were
right for sure I determined as I wolfed it down. “By the way it has another
name, “ one chirped. “huh”? “It’s called better than sex cake” several
revealed. Talk about a stare down
. While quickly through my mind came the
thought that the lady who baked the cake was very nice and thoughtful, several knew
my spouse, gossip can be endemic in a very small town …. So I answered by
clearly expressing my 5th amendment rights One shook her
head in dismay, two giggled pointing at me while the rest laughed
heartedly. Clearly I was the victim of some kind of harassment. Perhaps gender harassment at its

No doubt here sexual harassment at its worst.....