In a karst region of fractured limestone, we here in Bluff Country, have many sinkholes, disappearing rivers, springs and even a few caves where water emerges to form beautiful trout streams. Two, within ten miles of the Troutbirder home, are Canfield Creek and Forestville Creek.

I visited Canfield several times last week. Once troutfishing and twice birding. Take a look....

Both streams tend to be quite small as they began to flow down to the larger Root River, which then wends it was sixty some miles to the Mississippi. The trout were biting quite well the day before. No, Baron doesn't get to come along. Mr Rambuncious would scare the fish away. As I turned to head back to the truck a small brown warbler flushed out from a tangle of roots along the bank. I couldn't identify it without my binoculars, so intrigued, I went back the next day. Bingo! There he was in the same tangle. A not very common Louisiana Waterthrush at the northern extent of his range

As we headed upstream, I noticed some rather pronounced beaver sign. Mud trails into the water from the woods and well chewed tree stumps.

I had never seen beaver sign on Canfield in some forty plus years of fishing there. Around the next bend, there it and a magnificently constructed dam. A team of top architects and engineers couldn't have done any better.

Checking out the warbler migration a few day later, Mr Science (Gary) & I located another pioneering beaver families work. The moral apprently is in Bluff Country if your looking to build a small dam... Leave It To Beaver