Mrs. T And The Bears:
Some years ago a thousand miles from home in Minnesota and
fifty miles south of Big Timber, Montana, on a rutted gravel road we’d been
headed south toward a beautiful Forest Service campground. It was the last one before
the road ended in the Beartooth /Absaroka range north of Yellowstone National
Park. The Boulder River is a prime trout-fishing destination. That was my goal. Then we spotted a red
sign. "There are grizzly bears here?", Mrs. T queried. "Yes
dear, but I will protect you," I replied. "I wanna go back
home," she asserted firmly.

Near Darby, Montana, in the beautiful Bitterroot Range, at
the Sam Billings Campground, we were just about ready to hike up a trail to the
falls. "Are you sure there are no grizzly bears in these mountains?"
"Yes, dear. There is a big controversy about bringing them back here, but
it hasn’t happened yet, " I
informed her. "Well, Lucille (my sister in law) and I are going to wear
bells just in case. To warn them off !" My brother smiled, and then I
couldn’t help myself. "Err... I read there are a lot of mountain lions
here though and tinkle bells really tick them off." "Whatever you

A couple of years later we were about to launch our canoes from the
landing, at Sawbill Campground, into the Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness, for a week long trip
along with our two teenage sons. It was at the landing where we encountered a returning couple. with a
terrorized woman who informed Mrs T. that a black bear had eaten all their food. Then
"we" decided to spend the week at the public campground instead of in
the wilderness among the marauding bears….
Clearly this woman is deathly afraid of bears. Right? Wrong!
It all depends on the circumstances. Camera in hand a magical transformation
takes place... she suddenly becomes the wild bear paparazzi woman.
We are on a back road in Grand Teton National Park with my
brother and sister-in-law. My brother is driving. As we come around a bend in
the road he stops suddenly. There is an abandoned car blocking the road with
the front door left open. I have seen this act before. Looking out into the
woods I see some guy stalking a grizzly bear. Almost immediately I hear our rear door slam
and my timid spouse, camera in hand, begins following the idiot who abandoned his car in
the road. "Come back," I yell from the road. "This could be
dangerous" My brother later asked for copies of her shots of the
apparently oblivious grizzly.
Ten years ago in Alaska, she rolled down the car window and
leaned out, camera in hand. I suggested somewhat facetiously, "why don't
you reach out and pet him dear. He certainly looks friendly enough."
Fortunately, Mr. Bear ignored her....
Some, with flyrod in hand, are willing to take risks in
search of Montana trout. I've seen more than a few paw marks along some streams.
Others, camera at the ready, look for the perfect
shot. This is how it was among the Troutbirders.