Sometimes people do strange things like climb the world’s
tallest most dangerous mountains because they’re there. Well, we recently, with our friends John and Joann, took
the overnight Amtrak from Winona, Minnesota to Devils Lake, North Dakota
because it’s there and we could.
Devils Lake is a town in northeastern North Dakota and it
has a lake of the same name. It’s the second largest lake in the State behind
the giant reservoir Sakakawea. It’s
special because like the energizer bunny it just keep on going and growing. It’s growing as in it was forty thousand square acres
a decade ago and now over it's 240,000 acres and in the process of drowning out hundreds of
farms, roads, and even towns. The lake,
now having almost reached the maximum overflow height of its closed basin,
threatens serious flooding downstream in Minnesota and Manitoba, Canada. There are were and remain big legal controversies. We
checked it all out.

Another big attraction in the Devil Lake area we visited was Sullys Hill, a National Game Preserve. Established originally in 1904 by President Theodore Roosevelt as a National Park, it was designated by Congress in 1914 as a big game preserve to conserve two of North America's most majestic species: American bison and elk. The bison was almost extirpated from its original millions and the elk range drastically reduced and entirely so from North Dakota.
John, Joanne and Barb take a break on the steep climb to the top of Sully's Hill for a grand view of the surrounding countryside.
And as the sun set a monster bull elk stepped out onto the road ride in front of us. Wow!!!!