I taught American History & World Geography in a Middle School for 12 years. Previously, I had taught Economics, Sociology, & Political Science at the 12th grade level for over 25 years. I loved every minute of it. I never taught ACCOUNTING OR BOOKKEEPING. Math was necessary for my checkbook but not a favorite subject. Then, in the twilight years of retirement, I took up BIRDING. For some birders, keeping track of one's sightings is part of the deal. Now, in my fourth full year of this fascinating hobby, I have joined the M.O.U (Minnesota Ornithogical Union) and ebird (Cornel University) You might say I am a "lister". It's just like being a bookkeeper/accountant. My M.O.U. list is just for Minnesota sightings. I am up to 194 on that one. On Ebird, which you can list birds from anywhere in the world, I am over 254. This includes quite a few from two visits to Florida. Any new bird added to these lists is a "lifer." Ebird is especially handy because you can go back and find dates and locations for any of your sightings. You can keep track of lists there by nation, state, county, town or individual favorite spots (like "Troutbirders backyard").
Here is one of my "favorites" . Its called the Goethite.

The Goethite Wildlife Management Area consists of hundreds of acres of ponds (former iron mining pits), prairie, woods and a stream. The following list is of of sightings there so far this year (since Jan. 1). Its been mostly waterfowl to this point but in a few weeks lots of songbirds will begin appearing.
I might add that I have a phenomenally BAD memory for things that don't interest me a whole lot, like addresses, phone numbers, social security etc. You know the practical things one needs to know. Now I can, however, tell you the exact locations where I caught a fish on a lake I haven't been on in thirty years.

And all the good "honey holes" on a myriad of trout streams. The birding list allows me to do the same thing. Would you like to see the Oak Tree near Lanesboro Minnesota where I saw my first Snowy Owl in 1976? There is a fence post east of Custer, South Dakaota that had a Lewis's Woodpecker sitting..... Ok ok. History and Geography teachers can be like that. Goethite WMA Sightings Jan 1 - March 28, 2012.
Snow Goose 75, Canada Goose 35, Wood Duck 4, Mallard 36, Ring-necked Duck 11, Lesser Scaup 16, Hooded Merganser 8, Common Merganser 2,, Rough-legged Hawk 2, Sandhill Crane 2, Killdeer 16, Loggerhead Shrike 1, Blue Jay 1 American Crow 8, Eastern Bluebird 2, American Robin 5, American Tree Sparrow 2, Fox Sparrow 1, Red-winged Blackbird 22, Eastern Meadowlark 2.
Of course, it doesn't hurt that the Goethite also is a great place for Baron to romp and swim without
having to be confined by a leash.