It was my birthday, July 16th. A gorgeous day and we decided to go for a hike. Mrs. T and Lily led the way as we followed the local bike trail though a prairie like park in our town. On the way we ran across an unexpected sight. Several Turks cap lilies. They are a native wildflower which because of mowed ditches in our rural areas have become quite rare.

And so we had several "lilies" in the same area..... A week later with the arrival of our daughter in law Deanne from the Twin Cities, we all all decided to go for a prairie wildflower ride in search of Turks Cap lilies a rare flower and any other types we could find.

And there they were as we found several patches along an old abandoned railway right of way.

Later, we visited a nearby State Park and located some more midsummer prairie flowers.
Pale Coneflowers
Her name is Deanne and she is indeed someone very special to Mrs. T. and myself.
Our daughter in law she was a steadfast pillar of love and support in our son Ted too short life. And now ours as well. Standing with grace and courage in spite of the travails life has cast upon her, she brings hope and joy to all who know her.
She visits us regularly in our "golden years". And and then there is love and laughter and smiles……