We are on a mission. Less than a mile from our home base. Moving silently Baron scouts ahead. I probe the trees with my binoculars looking for clues. Distant crows break the early morning quiet. Have they returned, I wonder?

There high in the tree overlooking the trout ponds! I move closer but not too close. I do not want to cause any disturbance! My friends, the troutfarm eagles have returned. All is well here in Bluff Country
Cool! Great to see that "your" eagles are back!
ReplyDeleteOh, you lucky man! Glad the eagles have landed.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful TB. I wish I was so luck to have these nesting near me. I think I am going to have to move. :)
ReplyDeleteJust wonderful! Babies next!
ReplyDeleteWow,..... that is great. I have been watching the Sutton Center Bald Eagle Nest webcam for a couple of weeks. Fascinating to watch the family life.
ReplyDeleteThought I'd include this link to a story in our newspaper today about a sick bald eagle being nursed back to health. Perhaps illustrates how much we value these magnificent birds.
Your German Shepherd + Eagles = Happiness. How nice for you! Enjoying each day one at a time. :)
ReplyDeleteWOW, look at that Eagle's nest!!!
ReplyDeleteJust beautiful.
Thanks for sharing.
How terrific is that!!! I'd be so excited!!!
ReplyDeleteLucky you!
ReplyDeleteGreat to have a neighborhood eagle! Bet they keep the ducks nervous, too.
ReplyDeleteThat's a nice picture. We saw her on the nest last Sunday morning, but the sun was in the wrong direction for me to get a good picture.
ReplyDeleteOH, lucky YOU! So cool that you get to see that nest every day!
ReplyDeleteHow COOL is that? I would love to get close enough to a pair of nesting Eagles to get a couple of photos. Doesn't happen around here.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting that they're back!
Wow, that's exciting! I see them flying overhead, but never on the nest. Way cool!
ReplyDeleteOur eagles are on the nest too. It seems like their eggs have hatched out. They often soar above the house. They built the nest two seasons ago and this is their second set of kids.