Here on Oak Hill our young neighbors burn wood in their home. They split and pile it into a mighty heap across the street from us. They also raise goats. Thus, we often sit on our front porch in the evening, watching the goats climb and head butt on what we have come to call "Woodpile Mountain." It’s just like having a National Geographic Special going on in our front yard. More entertaining than a lot of the goat crap you see on TV these days.

LOL!! Looks like you have a zoo there TB. :)
ReplyDeleteLove all the flowers in the post below.
Tjat cactus is called:
Christmas Cactus
Easter Cactus
Butterfly Cactus
Zygo Cactus
Take you pick ....it is all the same thing. :)
Very cute. You should video t hem.
ReplyDeleteThis photo reminds me of one I took when living in Ghana. The geep, as they were called,(a cross between a goat and a sheep)would climb the huge rubbish piles which were found all over the streets.
ReplyDeleteYou would often see them climbing the stacks even when smoke was coming from the top. They were obviously so hungry that a little fire and smoke didn't seem to bother them.
I'll bet that is fun to watch. Goats are certainly interesting animals.
I'll have to show this post to Art. He'd like to have a few goats when we move up to Hasty Brook.
ReplyDeleteWhen I used to work at Herring Art & Frame, the highlight of my day was watching the goat kids play during my lunch break.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have some goats at our place, but I'm always threatened with divorce when I bring that topic up!
I burst out laughing when I read that last sentence!!!! Goats just LOVE to climb, don't they? King of the hill sort of thing?
ReplyDeleteLol..You could make your own Nat'l Geo Special. Goats being goats..always wanting to climb. There sure are a lot of them!
ReplyDeleteWhat fun. I agree...it's likely much more entertaining than television.
ReplyDeleteI believe you should go over and play with them some evening. Might be interesting. Leave the camera with your wife. :)