Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Flyfishing For Trout
Friday, September 4, 2009
Minnesota State Fair (Part 2)

Our last highlight that day was the new Miracle of Birth Center This agricultural education exhibit is the birthplace of approximately 200 animals including calves, lambs and piglets during the fair’s 12 day run.
The most popular free exhibit on the fairgrounds moved to its new, larger home for the 2006 State Fair. Three times its former size, the new CHS Miracle of Birth Center allows more visitors the opportunity to learn about animal agriculture
It was amazing. Although having lived in a rural area most of my life, I would have to count myself among the probably 95% of the citizens of this state, who have no personal experience on this subject whatsoever. There was a huge crowd in the building. It was evident from the big TV monitors hanging from the ceiling that a cow was giving birth and that there was no hope, due to the crowd of getting anywhere near it. So we plunked down on a small bench near the sheep. Watching the TV monitors Mrs. T began giving me the "I not sure I want to stay and watch this" look. That quickly changed as she was drawn into the drama.

I wanted to shout "try the other end little fella," but thought let nature take its course. Eventually it did.
I have no pictures of the calf birthing but the TV images and words are still quite clear in my mind.
"Were going to check now to be sure the calf is positioned correctly."
Two assistants with rubber gloves up to their elbows ascertain that it is.
Sometime later two feet appear.
"The're saying it's a very large calf. She is a good mother but we will prepare a backup plan to assist her."
More time passes and technicalities are discussed. Then the head appears and the crowd goes...."ahhh."
The back up plan is attaching a chain somewhere. Troutbirder thinks OMG!
Time passes then suddenly the calf literally pops out and is grabbed and laid in the straw.
The crowd applauds and cheers wildly. You would have thought the Vikings had finally won a Super Bowl!
What a day at the fair!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Minnesota State Fair (Part 1)

We stopped in the horticulture building. Being a gardener, I like to check on the standards that are being set in the vegetable field.