Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Flyfishing For Trout

Life certainly has a lot of paths and its twists and turns, sometimes leaves one wondering. For me, flyfishing for trout, has been a passion ever since, as a young adult, I moved into Bluff Country. Its beautiful limestone streams and the wily brown trout were an immediate attraction. Now, this summer, I have hardly gone fishing at all. It's a bit of a puzzle, beyond all the obvious rationales of weather, health, age and duties on the home front. The home front includes things like my wildflower projects. The bottom line, though, I think comes down to my huge puppy Baron, who needs a daily hike to release some of his inexhaustible energy and a new interest on my part - birding. I am content with all this for many reasons. One of them is knowing
that the young man shown here hiking down a bike trail with me to a Bluff Country trout stream

and taking his first boat ride on the Mississippiand here checking out a Colorado Rocky Mountain High stream with his dad,

seems to have adopted his father and his grandfathers passion.
Here, at eight years of age, he casts into a sparkling mountain stream. The next generation of Troutbirders is learning the trade.


  1. Hey, I added you to my site...(, as promised. I also got me another camera to take pics with..and it takes GREAT pictures of jewelry!!

  2. Awww. That is so special. He is always going to grow up and have memories of special times with dad and grandpa. I don't think it gets any better than that.

  3. There's nothing like remembering back the times I spent with my "grandpa and grandma". He'll cherish these memories. Nice post, TB.

  4. Looks like fun. No wonder my adult kids just went to Colorado.

  5. These are wonderful photos. Making memories, is the best part.

  6. A great story, Troutbirder. I love to see kids growing up learning about nature and getting interested in the outdoors.

  7. Nice job passing the torch! A new outdoorsman is in the making - with the help of a few good teachers, it seems!

  8. I have fishes a lot but never done fly fishing. Seems like there is another budding TB in the making. :)

  9. Awwww... that makes me smile. :c)

  10. What a nice tribute to your family and to the sport of fly fishing!!
    I loved fishing when I was much younger..such a nice way to enjoy the out of doors and have a great dinner at the end of the day!!
    Just played catch up with your posts..that was some fair you attended I don't think I've ever seen such a huge pumpkin and the photos you captured with your cannon A590 of that little newborn lamb were precious. Glad you got into birding...such an interesting way to learn about where you have lived for so long..all the flora and about that big fat fried bacon and those 25,000 you didn't did you??

  11. Oh, the joy of teaching grandchildren to fish. Tangled lines, gooy fingers from bait, wet feet and runny nose kisses. Rewards for grandfathers who care.

  12. Beautiful. How nice that we can pass along a world worth living in, and a little knowledge about how best to enjoy it.

  13. If you are not fly fishing enough, then maybe you had better hook up with your little partner in CO more often. It is fun to fish with the grandkids, for sure.
