Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
Click on Mark Twain to jump to Troutbirders book review blog

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Eye Test For Nature Lovers

SEE if you can find all of the various wildlife
in their environment, BEFORE you read where and what
it is.
Quite clever...........

So how did you do?


  1. That was amazing. Even with the explanation of what it was, I still struggled to find some of them. Nature's disguise is incredible.

  2. Pretty neat. I spotted them all, but some of them took me a little bit of studying! Enjoyed this.

  3. Awesome.. that was fun. How they blend in with their surroundings like that is totally cool. Neat post!

  4. I did spot them all but I think my years in animal rescue helped. I looked for the eyes first. Good thing I am not a predator.

  5. What fun! I found them all but it took a while for some of them.

  6. Wow. Once I figured out where to look, I got most of them...after not seeing the giraffe at first, of all things! The snipe was the hardest, I think.

  7. There were three I couldn't see either before or after. I'm going to blame that on my color blindness. Still the camouflage is amazing!

  8. That was so much fun! I got all but three, the snipe being hardest of all. What a great Christmas gift book that would make! I am going to go back and look later this evening for my Three!



  9. Beautiful! I enjoyed them all. I had a real hard time finding the Snipe..well done. I envy that photographer going all those exotic places:)

  10. Amusingly I got all quickly but the wolf and I worked for Defenders of Wildlife reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone! Maybe I should have had my tea first. Wonderful photos - I especially loved the owl before the tree.

  11. Methinks you lured me into a good, old-fashioned snipe hunt!

  12. some of the photos are so amazing I had to really look to see some of them especially the snake.

  13. Absolutely amazing photos! Missed one -- the snipe along the shore line.Never did find it. Just think of all the wildlife we miss when we walk along those forest trails. Sending this off to some friends -- barbara
