The neighborhood surrounding our little abode is known as Oak Hill. Naturally, with the exception of a few white pines I planted, it's mainly large mature oak trees. The oaks consist of white, burr and a few reds. They shade and shelter us. On occasion they draw lightening bolts. Overall I love their strength and beauty. Except....
Except for one little thing. Acorns. It's been a super year for acorns. A few years ago a friend asked for a few acorns to plant. Zip. I couldn't find a one .... It seems oaks usually produce some seeds most years and occasionally a super abundance or the year when there were none at all here in the upper Midwest.
This year.... well take a look at my deck. Every day for a week now it has looked liked this.

Except for one little thing. Acorns. It's been a super year for acorns. A few years ago a friend asked for a few acorns to plant. Zip. I couldn't find a one .... It seems oaks usually produce some seeds most years and occasionally a super abundance or the year when there were none at all here in the upper Midwest.
This year.... well take a look at my deck. Every day for a week now it has looked liked this.

And every day Mrs. T. sweeps it clean. No walking in the back yard with bare feet. Ouch! Was I happy about this situation? No way. Was anybody happy about this situation? I guess so!