Though I abhor stereotypes, in this case based on womens tendency to family and community values and mens tendency to value dominance, power, money and war, I hope to live to see gray-haired and young women take over the Earth. We'd all be better off....
BLESS YOU! Though Margaret Thatcher was a woman....
ReplyDeleteIndeed though perhaps like Hillary needed to prove herself "strong on defense" to be electable....
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand you might argue that Thatcher, and I'd argue Clinton, also became more radical with age just in the other direction.
ReplyDeleteParliament here seems to have more women then men. I am not sure I like it and... er... I'm a woman!!
ReplyDeleteYou're talking about ME, TB. I lik that quote very much and hope we get a chance someday. :-)
ReplyDeleteI have always looked to women more for advice.
ReplyDeleteI consider myself a feminist but much of the movement has taken quite a left turn by embracing postmodernism. And I have generally considered myself to be moderately left.
ReplyDeleteMy 35 year old daughter says to me that we are entering a new age of The Godess. I hope she's right.
ReplyDeleteI'm just ever grateful we are being heard. Cool to think of what a woman lead Earth would look like. Bet war would become a forgotten word.
ReplyDeleteIn most Native American tribes- pre-invasion- the power to declare war belonged to the council of grandmothers. The men would ask permission and if the situation was bad enough, the Grandmothers would allow a war party to go out. The Grandmother in your picture with the quote is holding a fan that is used in these councils... looks like a red-tail to me.
ReplyDeleteMy ex refused to vote for a woman in the last election. Said a woman was not qualified to be the head of State. Guess who he voted for. I have not spoken to him since. I hope he appreciates what he got up there in DC.
I would certainly prefer to trust the sense of a group of grandmothers with the power to declare war rather than our current president and congress!
DeleteI always though a normal housewife should rule the world, she has to care for her household, balance the budget, settle squabbles, see that children are clean, clothed and schooled in manners and normal education, she must be a nurse and take care of the sick be it children or her parents, be a helpmate to her husband, be a volunteer in the community, cook healthy meals...what can I say...she can do most everything:)
ReplyDeleteHi Troutbirder: can you imagine those old grey-haired ladies letting us get into the mess we have in Washington now? I hope we see a bunch of the younger ones get elected in November.
ReplyDeleteI've always thought women, generally driven more by compassion than the average man, would make better leaders, and would be more likely to keep us out of wars.
ReplyDeleteDear Troutbirder, I hope the day comes when the majority of men let themselves discover and embrace a gentler, kinder, and more life-affirming view of what matters. Peace.
ReplyDeleteWe need progressive leadership regardless of gender, but it is heartening to note that hundreds -- not mere dozens but HUNDREDS -- of women -- many of them young and progressive -- are seeking elective office in this year's "midterm" elections. I hope they all succeed.
ReplyDeleteIn Maine I was impressed when several grannies volunteered to sit in at Senator Collins' office and were willing to be arrested. Feminism actually means equality of genders, not replacing the patriarchy with a matriarchy.
ReplyDeleteWe can hope.