Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
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Friday, February 1, 2019

First rain, sleet, fog & ice, then snow and wind & finally...OMG

Of course we Minnesotans are regard by people to the south of us as near Eskimos living in Artic region to cold for anyone with any sense. Here we tend to think of those people as North Dakotans. Truth to tell  it's been quite a while since we've had a really tough winter till.....
Till some rain turning to sleet with fog and black ice on the highway and little snow drifts hiding the ice. We thought we were in Kansas. On I-70.  Where Mrs. T famously remarked "if this is the kind of weather global warming brings to Minnesota we're moving to Canada where we can be safe on the snow. January followed  with a few heavy snow days. Nothing we couldn't handle as long a my vertigo didn't make the ice underneath the snow more treacherous than usual. Then the high winds came across the prairies from the Dakotas and the drifts piled up on the roads.  Enough we said till the Artic Vortex arrive as the bottom drop out of the outdoor thermometers. -50 degree windchills here and across the northern tier.  OMG  A real Minnesota weather indeed.


  1. My house was creaking, cracking...popping. I thought the old battleship was going down! My, the temps were scary.

  2. You guys have it rough. we don't get it that bad in this part of Alberta.

  3. Another winter for the books. May it soon be in the books and gone.

  4. Hi Ray - the weather can really throw us ... take care and I hope it eases. Take care - cheers Hilary

  5. So far so good in the UK but we usually follow you with the bad stuff.

  6. These Canadians get a rain-and-thaw every January. I hate it. But then we got several weeks of deep winter. Brrr.

  7. Our Wisconsin daughter says much the same thing. She added, "It never was this cold when Obama was President."

  8. It is hard to imagine the severity of the weather you have been enjoying. Mercy, try not to venture out if you don't have to.

  9. It was the pits! Now another storm is supposed to move in on Sunday night then after that more cold but nothing like that Polar Vortex:)

  10. It was a terrible time, all right. I do hope the rest of the winter is a little less dramatic. :-)

  11. wow, kind of reminds me of the road scenes in the film Fargo. My step daughter is in Chaska and she sent me pictures of the -26 weather (-50 with wind chill). I sent here some ice cleats I had bought cheaply on line. Silly me, she probably has at least three pairs already.

  12. Wow! That was some weather. You Minnesotans are tough!
