The top 10 guard dogs as chosen by the experts are:
#10 Staffordshire Terrier
#9 Kuvasz
#8 Rhodesian Ridgeback
#7 German Shepherd
#6 Giant Schnauzer
#5 Puli
#4 Komondor
#3 Rottweiler
#2 Doberman Pinscher
#1 Bullmastiff

As you can see my precious South Woodland Flower garden is "guarded" by a top ten dog. At #7 his breed (GSD) is known for their willingness, even eagerness, to put it all on the line to defend a few hepaticas. Upon a proper introduction though, Baron will be more than happy to show you around. We will need to stay on the path. It quite a maze in here.

The South Garden has filled in quite nicely from the gooseberry patch of a few years ago. I built a wall with limestone rock to separate it from the turnaround parking area adjacent to the garage. The rocks also delineates the pathway. Many of the wildflowers were taken from the flower gardens on our old property next door.

"Or this one's a Sagae, I think....maybe." Etc.

There are several kinds of lamium and some make great groundcovers. Yes, they can try to take over, but I wasn't a classroom teacher all those years for nothing.