The grandchildren returned by plane to Colorado yesterday after a very rare & wonderful visit. The send-off left, however, a little to be desired. Warning! Rant to follow.......
Plan A was to visit the St. Paul Zoo. It rained all day yesterday. Plan B was we spent the afternoon at the
"Maul of America." Oops..... I mean the Mall of America. That grossly overpriced, overcrowded, noisy, urban monument to rampant, plastic, artificial, American materialism. Of course, children of all ages love it. Why should they not? It's bred into their systems thru the miracle of modern advertising and social one upmanship.
"Maul of America." Oops..... I mean the Mall of America. That grossly overpriced, overcrowded, noisy, urban monument to rampant, plastic, artificial, American materialism. Of course, children of all ages love it. Why should they not? It's bred into their systems thru the miracle of modern advertising and social one upmanship.

Which brings me to the Willow Creek dog park in Rochester. Really! When Mrs. T finds it necessary to spend some quality time at Apache Mall in Rochester, I take the opportunity (weather conditions permitting) to continue Barons socialization process. Being a naive unworldly country boy, (such as his master), the chance to improve his social graces is not to be passed over lightly. There are often canines of many persuasions in the area. It is surrounded by a chain link fence, yet has access to a woods and a small stream, where one can romp and splash unfettered by the usual constraints. Yipee!

Woof Woof It sure beats going to the Mall! Woof.

Woof Woof It sure beats going to the Mall! Woof.
I've heard about the Mall of America. Not sure I'm too interested in going there. I don't deal well with huge crowds, pushing, shoving, etc. The park looks much more inviting, with a good camera in hand, of course! Nice Post, Trouter.
Too bad the grandchildren had to leave so soon. After all it's not like they are around the corner and can come by any old time. At least you did get to visit, even thought the weather wasn't too nice.
ReplyDeleteYour dog is spectacular. GSDs are just so noble in their appearance. Was that a little GSD chick he was checking out in the last picture? Looks like he had fun.
Great photos.
We are with you there on the Mall, it was interesting to visit a few times but it even left us with a lack luster feeling because of how many of the people acted. Looks like Barron enjoyed his time better. Our dog Sandy however probably would be between our legs not knowing what to do.
ReplyDeleteSome of the people who frequent malls should probably receive some socialization training. Especially regarding parking lot etiquette. There, now I've ranted too. So don't feel bad. The dog park looks like a much better way to spend a few hours. And I don't even have a dog anymore.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather hang out with you and Baron at the dog park.
ReplyDeleteThe MOA makes my head throb.
I have no idea as to where this park would be....but if I were a dog and had to venture to a park this would be the place i would like to go. So many of these dog parks are yes chain link fence with little roaming space. I have never taken our dog Bert to a dog need we have 5 on a dirt road..and he roams as do the other dogs..his is neutered and harmless...when I do go out with him I bring his lead..but every chance we get he is off the leash and roaming....
ReplyDeleteI sure can understand the need for you to get that off your chest TB. :) I am happy without having any of these modern "convienences" in my life.
ReplyDeleteI rarely go to the mall either. Also makes my head spin. Would much prefer the dog park. Baron looks like he really enjoys it too. :c)
ReplyDeleteI don't go into big malls - I prefer small shops! And also playing w/ doggies - lol! Yours looks like he was having a wonderful time!!
ReplyDeleteHave to agree. The dog park beats any mall any day. We have them here too but they don't have creeks for the dogs to swim in.
Malls,... to be avoided as much as possible. Trees, creeks,.. grass,... yes! That's where I'd choose to be.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Baron was having a great time at the park. Great photos! I am sure he was glad you chose the park too!!
ReplyDeleteSuch a nice place. And the photos of Baron are amazing. He is certainly one fine boy.
ReplyDeleteNow, I have a favor to ask. A fellow blogger friend of mine just moved to Florida. There's a pond outside her apartment with some sort of water fowl in it but she isn't sure what they are. Could you, when you have a minute, drop over and see if you can identify said fowl?
Her post is:
Oh, I'm with you and Baron. What a great place for him to run and play.
ReplyDeleteLove the Rant! I see the "Americanization" of Troutbirder is still a work in progress, haha. Hang in there and don't give in. I'm back!!!
ReplyDeleteLove your photos. Up until the little dogs I have now, I have always had big dogs. Newfoundlands are still my favorite breed. Your photos make me want another big guy! For now, my horse will have to serve the purpose.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment about Kelly. I know the memories will live on....
Well, it sounds like all worked out for the best. Personally I would have ended up at the dog park, also..but my grandkids would have opted for the mall!! Glad you had such a nice visit with everyone!
ReplyDeleteWhere's the Willow Creek Dog Park? Is it somewhere on the southern edge of Rochester by Willow Creek?
ReplyDeleteLove your rant about The Maul and agree totally. Baron might give a whole new meaning to "going on the mall," though. Dog parks are really catching on--I find it remarkable how social most dogs are--we can take a lesson from our companion animals.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great dog park, incorporating a stream and all. We just have our first dog park in our area, but no stream.
ReplyDeleteOddly, our dog is quite shy and spends her time sniffing around rather than interacting with other dogs. Must be we have made her too people focused.
You got that right! Woof!
ReplyDeleteOur dog parks are nothing like this!
ReplyDeleteWhat a big, handsome boy!