Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
Click on Mark Twain to jump to Troutbirders book review blog

Friday, May 29, 2015

Boob Job

Beaver Creek Valley State Park is a 1,187 acre Minnesota State Park near the town of Caledonia. The park features a steep, narrow valley carved by East Beaver Creek, a spring-fed trout stream. The heavily forested valley, up to 250 feet deep in places, is a hidden natural oasis amidst the farmland of southeastern Minnesota

We had spent a couple of days hiking, relaxing and me flyfishing in this beautiful place. I was busy grilling up the burgers that evening. Mrs T was reading comfortably in the camp chair some distance away. She was wearing a white blouse with colorful flower prints. That's important! Suddenly, agitated, her arms were swinging wildly. Thinking, perhaps, a few marauding mosquitoes, I hollered "what's the matter." "He's attacking me," was the reply. Rushing over, I found a nearsighted hummingbird going for the gold. "It's a hummingbird who thinks your a petunia," I counseled sympathetically. Finally, the misguided bird buzzed off and peace returned to the Valley.

More recently we were sitting on the front porch reading the paper and watching our neighbors across the road - the goats. Mrs T began showing that agitated look.

Another visitor had appeared above us. At 1/8 ounce he still appeared aggressive. I gave him a no nonsense warning. He backed off.
"Don't worry dear I'm here to protect you," I volunteered. That's right. I da man.


  1. Those little guys can be aggressive, all right. Glad you're there for protection. :-)

  2. They do buzz out of nowhere and can catch you by surprise. If she was wearing red they are attracted to that color. Cute post.

  3. I didn't know these things could happen. I love birds but I wouldn't like being attacked by one. And I thought hummingbirds were gentle creatures... as the name would imply.

  4. Good story!

    You and Kurt Vonnegut with your titles. Oy.

  5. While I was recovering from my recent shingles outbreak, the only pants I could wear were pajamas. One pair had bright pink flowers on it. I was sitting on the deck when a hummingbird kept trying to get nectar from my knee. It didn't really attack, just kept on trying until I finally went inside and changed.

  6. LOL - It is kind of funny. Yet, I do know they are aggressive. I witnessed hummingbirds fight over the feeder. WOW! It is something!

  7. How funny -- tho it probably wasn't to your wife! I would love the close-up view.

  8. What a stud, TB.
    Looks like a nice little spring creek, what's in there?
