Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
Click on Mark Twain to jump to Troutbirders book review blog

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Who Is This Young Lady?

Her name is S.M. Hulse and she wrote the best debut novel I've read in a long time.
Check out my review on Troutbirder II by clicking on the picture of Mark Twain and me above.....


  1. After reading your post, I have requested this book from our library. So many books, so little time!!

  2. I just put a hold on this book based on your review. I'm number 4 in line, so it'll be awhile. :-)

  3. Thanks for the suggestion. I am always looking for new books!

  4. Heading over to look at your review.

  5. I just picked up this book from the library, based upon you recommendation.

  6. Just finished the book; love it. Keep an eye on this young woman; she is a gifted writer!!!
