Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Prince Klemens von Metternich of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Following the defeat of Napoleon, he dominated the Congress of Vienna which established a general European peace in the 19th century.

Prince Otto von Bismarck of Prussia. He engineered the unification of German States under the leadership of Prussia

Prince William, the future King of the United Kingdom

The Red Prince Weigela, guarding the entrance to Troutbirder Castle I can't help myself. Once a history teacher always a history teacher, I guess


  1. A glorious bush covered with those pretty blooms. Love it!

  2. Gorgeous flowers! Unfortunately we can't grow anything here that wasn't here before us. I learned that the hard way. As a result, I LOVE seeing the beautiful flora others nurture in their yards & gardens.

  3. I much prefer those pics from outside your castle TB. :)

  4. I do believe I like your price best of all! :c)

  5. I'm not a big fan of monarchy. Imagine paying people to be kings and queens. I am, on the other hand, a big fan of weigela. Your new bush is lovely.
