Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
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Friday, May 3, 2013

Hiking With Baron

It’s been a long and difficult winter here in Bluff Country. A year ago March resembled May and local farmers were already cultivating and in early April planting began.  Yesterday, May 2, we got 13 inches of snow here on Oak Hill.  Only a few days prior to that The Big Guy (Baron) led a 2 hour hike in Lake Louise State Park.  On that day the temperatures had reached 75 degrees…… Go figure.
Baron- Leader of the Pack


  1. I think we were all spoiled last year and this year feels like the exception! Although, so much snow on May thank you!! Baron is one gorgeous dog. Glad you were able to get out and hike!

  2. Last year was exceptionally warm, but this year--yowsa--it's all over the scale. I'll be glad when it FINALLY settles down.
    It will, won't it?????????

  3. We had hardly any winter temperatures this past winter, and now we are in the middle of a heat wave! We don't get 80-degree temperatures in early May, ever, but now we are having them. I think they belong to you. Great pictures of a fine companion! :-)

  4. It has been a bumpy ride here also. Tonight to be in low 30's. All the buds will be shocked.
    That Baron is one handsome fellow.

  5. We've had a low of 26 degrees the past two mornings here in central New Mexico - after daytime temps of 80 degree. My gardening is in disarray. Well, I'll be up your way next Tuesday when we arrive in Minneapolis to visit family. I hope Minnesota warms up by then!

  6. So glad you got the snow this time instead of us..crazy weather for sure. I bet your snow has melted already. No farmers in the field here either. :)

  7. glad you got out when you did!

  8. Crazy crazy weather!!!! This year has been a real MESS for many of us... More snow for you--and too much rain for us. We had 6 inches of rain last weekend -and they say we could have just as much this weekend... Gads!!!!

    Looks like Baron led you all on a great walk though.... Hope the snow leaves you SOON and you can do it again.


  9. The weather this year has been just weird!! I love the pix of Baron...what a good boy he is! It must be so nice to be able to take him on your hikes without having to worry about him. My "kids" would be all over the place and would not come when called. I wouldn't be able to enjoy my hike....probably why they don't go with us very often!!!

  10. Most of the snow has melted,we got 3 inches.I am looking forward to more warm to bring out the morels.

  11. Saw photos from friends in Welch / Redwing.. they were without power and that was quite a snowfall!
    No snow or precip. up our way.. but cold. We enjoyed those couple of warm days and look forward to their return!

  12. Baron is a great hike leader. He certainly led you on a beautiful hike. I hope your snow is soon gone for good (at least for this season!). Have a great weekend.

  13. wow, I guess you're still shoveling snow! Glad you and Baron had a good hike before winter returned.

  14. Baron is a dog after my heart. I have had two German Shepards in my life and adored them both. Baron is so beautiful!!!! 13 inchs -- you need a sled dog too in that state! -- barbara

  15. Wow - talk about up and down weather! We've had some of that here as well. But today, it's quite nice. Baron is such a goo buddie.

  16. Baron is a beautiful dog and I would love to go hiking with him. It was a long winter here in Ontario too. B

  17. Such a patient leader! Too bad about the very strange weather.

  18. You've really had some serious weather. Hope you thaw out, soon.

    Baron looks ginormous in that last photo. HUGE!

  19. A foot of snow on may 2...that's just plain evil.

  20. Last year was not a good year; too warm too soon. It cost us the apple crop in the North East as the trees flowered and then there was a killer frost. This year is a better year and an excellent year for the maple surup in quality and quantity.

    Last year I saw a pair of Eastern Bluebirds in my yard. Apparently they are finally recovering from the DDT poisoning years. Sadly, DDT is still made in North American and used a great deal in South America. As a result, the song birds are disappearing. It will be sad in the forest goes silent. When I was young I used to spend a lot of time in the Spring at a marsh on the shore of lake Ontario where I could identify the warblers as they migrated through.

  21. Hey Baron!

    I would go hiking with you anytime you wanted to.

    Your pal,


  22. Baron certainly lives up to his name ... he's a handsome lad.

  23. Nice photos- Baron looks larger than life.

  24. Mother Nature has certainly been teasing us hasn't she?? Love it that Baron is the leader of the pack. Well of course, who doubted it?

    Hope that nasty white stuff leaves you alone my friend!
    xo Catherine

  25. Very faithful pet dog is enjoying with you. looking awesome.
