Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hearing and Pronouncing


Me and two other retirees, each with a hearing loss, were playing golf one fine April day. One remarked to the other, "Windy, isn't it?" "No," the second man replied, "it's Thursday." And then I chimed in, "So am I. Let's have a beer." 

 Which reminds me, I have to run into town to get some new hearing aid batteries.

A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license.  First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test. The official showed him a card with the letters:

'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.'

"Can you read this?" the official asked.

  "Read it?" the Polish guy replied, "I know the guy."

On my first day as a high school teacher I was doing quite well in front of a class of seniors.  I managed to correctly read all the names on the class roll.  Then for a reason I’ve long forgotten I had to read some of my fellow teachers names. The first one was Mr. Czapiewski.   Cee zap ewe ski I tried.  A burst of laughter that followed from my students told me I hadn’t even come close….  It was shah pesk  e.


  1. Oh, those are some funny lines, TB. And yeah, I would have messed up that teacher's name, too. Made me smile! :-)

  2. I laugh when I repeat what I thought I heard to mumblers.

  3. Ha! Funnies! Love when the day starts with a chuckle.

  4. I was in a sand trap and one of my buddies asked "Do you have a sand wedge."

    I replied "I'd like a ham on rye, but could you wait till I get out of this damn trap!"

    I may have to visit the ear doctor soon.

  5. I had my annual hearing test this week. It wasn't any worse but was certainly no better.

  6. having grown up in wis, lots of polish and czech names (including my own maiden name which is bohemian).

  7. Yep, the over-50 ears. And in the car, it is constantly, "What?" "What?" Now I know why older folks get the spiffier cars that are quieter. But maybe if we hadn't had the cheaper noisier cars to begin with, our ears would be better.

  8. Ahhh!!!
    What we have to look forward to can be frightfully funny...

  9. So Ole was at a party with his wife Olga, a largish woman. A man said to her "Wow, you could play with the Green Bay Packers!" to which Olga replied "I don't play with nobody's.............except Ole's!"

    Good post, TB.

  10. HA HA ---funny ones... I liked your pronunciation better than the 'real' thing on that last name... Yipes!!!!

    Thanks for the funnies today.

  11. Enjoyed the hearing loss funny. :)

    I would've pronounced that name exactly the same as you!

  12. Smiled at all, laughed out loud at the Polish eye chart one. Think ya did OK on the teacher's name considering.

  13. Poor hearing can cause all kinds of confusion and mix ups. I phoned a friend yesterday. She answered the phone downstairs and he answered upstairs. they both kept talking. They didn't hear each other and I'm not sure how much they heard me.

  14. Used to have that problem when we lived in WI. Even here in NC, Duke has Coach Krzyewski (pronounced she-shef-ski). I'll save you from learning what I call him, the weasel.

  15. That's funny. I like the first bit--we do that all the time here, and we aren't even seniors with hearing loss! We just have kids who talk really fast and quiet. Or so it seems.

  16. You should stock up on batteries for the winter! My Grandfather saved his hearing aid batteries for Sunday and Church. My husband has some hearing loss...especially if I am in the other room talking to him...:)

  17. You made me laugh out loud, TB. You are a born teacher. Teachers always have the funny stories. I always tell folks, "Just give me a stage." That might be why I went into teaching.

    My hubby also has hearing loss. I wish I had written down the things he thought I said and the answers he would give me pre-hearing aid days. I got some pretty funny responses from him.

  18. I really appreciate these jokes. Hubby is deaf and his hearing aids decipher some very funny things. I should write them down....

  19. Thanks for the grin and chuckle this evening!! Really needed it today!

  20. Thanks for starting my day with laughter.
