It all started with an invitation to join Mrs. T.
and her teachers sorority for breakfast at the Pope & Young museum in Chatfield MN "What's Pope & Young," I had asked, looking for an excuse not to go. "I don't know either", she replied but Jewel said Steve is going so....
"Ok," I replied not too thrilled.
The breakfast was decent, the museum tour was terrific.

club dedicated to conservation and record-keeping.
Similar to the Boone and Crocket club for gunners.
The museum had the history of bowhunting in dioramas and other exhibits.

Of course, I was thrilled to relive my boyhood memories of Fred Bear hunting the polar bear with his bow and my Ben Pearson long bow. In my youth, I had proved to be an adept hunter of squirrels and rabbits. And then I couldn't help but remember my first years bowhunting the elusive Minnesota whitetail.

It all began my first year of teaching in the Valley. Several veteran
bowhunters, Don and Jerry, invited me to join them for the fall deer
season. They were my mentors in this exciting new sport. I knew there
would be no "buck fever" for me because well... I was Mr. Cool.
Several outings produced no opportunities. Then my big chance came
on a Saturday morning near Lanesboro. I had been placed at the head of a steep gully about fifteen yards above a small spring. My hunting partners fanned out to either side after advising me that any deer would surely come up the ravine on their way to the spring. I was situated behind some bushes and directly in front of a large log.
It was still not quite light when I assumed my standing position. Ready, willing, and able to take my first deer. Soon every little sound in the forest got my attention. I was sure a number of times that deer were
approaching me from behind.... only to find, upon carefully turning my
head, that it was squirrels, grouse, chipmunks and other woodsy
creatures. No deer though, for hours. Finally, after several hours, I decided
to sit down on the log, where I could still see the spring ahead and down to
my right. The bushes concealed my vantage point.
I never heard them approach me from the left. There were three deer which I saw out of the corner of my eye.
Paralyzed, I never moved. The lead deer stopped not five
feet in front of me on the other side of the bushes. Then she turned her head, lowered it slightly and stared right at me.
Now what do I do?
I swear every time I blinked she seemed to stare harder. The standoff lasted an eternity. Every time I slowly tried to stand up and get my bow ( which was
laying across my lap) into a vertical position she twitched.
Finally, I decided on Plan B. I would lift my still horizontal bow
slightly, draw the arrow, and shoot her straight thru the bushes.
At five feet, I could hardly miss. I slowly began to draw the
arrow back, reaching about half a draw, when the string
ran into a large obstacle.... my stomach.
I could have fired. Probably having the effect of a small mosquito bite. About that time I also noticed several more deer gathered around the spring. I picked out the largest and went for the stand up quick shot. At my first
motion to stand up, the deer on the other side of the bush let out a loud "woof" and immediately all six deer scattered in six directions. I never got a shot off.
I bowhunted a few more years after that but as my friends had moved on to other school districts, I found it was the cameraderie of the hunt that had been most appealing. Thus ended my deer hunting years although I continued with upland game and waterfowl but those are other stories.
That certainly was an interesting read. I was on the edge of my chair whilst reading. It made me almost glad I don't live where deer live...lol.
ReplyDeleteI have never hunted and never will, but I understand that the "camaraderie" is a huge factor in rural areas.
ReplyDeleteWell written Ray. Deer one, TB zero. Still you gave it your all and if it is OK with you, I'm glad they got away. Still out of all hunting, I thing bow hunting is real hunting.
ReplyDeleteDeer Mr. Cool,
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful tail.
The happy ending for the deer made ME happy! My brother in law has hunted for years with a bow and arrows and never gotten a deer. He says it’s a good excuse to sit out in the woods and eat beef jerky!
ReplyDeleteA brother-in-law is a deer hunter, and he regales us with delightful tales of adventures with his group. it is clear that the camaraderie is as much the appeal as filling his freezer with a healthy source of protein. Your deftness in relating your experience brought it vividly alive for me. Good job!
ReplyDeleteBow Hunting is a great sport! I enjoyed your story! :)
ReplyDeleteYou bring back memories of about 40 year ago. My husband hunted deer with his bow and arrow and actually got one but the experience was traumatic for him and his hunting days ended.