Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Spring Residents

After a two year absence, a pair of nesting bluebirds showed up here in Troutbirderland. Even more astonishing, a pair of Eastern Phoebes have built a nest on our front porch. The nest is on the ledge right above Baron. Things are looking up.


  1. How wonderful! Bluebirds! I don't know anything about the Phoebe, but I'll bet I will before long. You are so fortunate to have those pretty bluebird eggs. Hope all goes well, I'll keep my fingers crossed. :-)

  2. Very nice to have them where you can watch,I have found a few nests with bluebird eggs.They were singing away at me yesterday in one area I visited.

  3. Very COOL! It's been a long time since I've seen a Bluebird.

  4. Robins in our area love to build nests like that up on ledges. One year a robin built a nest over our front door and the mess was amazing. She got them all raised. I like your photo of the eggs and your dog too.

  5. That is wonderful! What fun to watch the process from start to finish. Hopefully all goes well!

  6. What a streak of luck! I do hope all goes well with the nesting.

  7. Oh, how nice about the bluebirds. I would love to have a nest around here! Lucky you!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. We have the mother bird who seems to return every year preparing to make a nest on our porch also. I was just discussing with my husband a way to discourage her. I don't think Boston will be as accommodating as Baron seems to be.

  10. Good to hear you have some Bluebirds! Looks like the Phoeboe is smart she has a dry safe place with her own guard dog:)

  11. Baron's looking kinda hungry!

  12. Oh yes, Bluebirds, lucky you. I have a returning Phoebe family that does the same thing. However it builds it right on the corner I have my hammock. They do not like it when I want to enjoy the hammock.

  13. Congratulations on the nesting birds that have taken up residence in Troutbirderland. Our bluebirds have returned and are now feeding their young ones.

  14. Hello. Glad you found my Paris blog so I could find you. Love Honfleur.


  15. How fun!!! Oh it's going to be wonderful when those little birds hatch. We look forward to lots of photos. Cute!

    Pat on the head for you sweet Baron ~ keep those kitties away from those babies! ;)
    xo Catherine

  16. Oh, lucky YOU!
    Thanks for sharing.
    (who has to clean up their mess?)

  17. We have some Phoebe's that nest above the lakeside door (on a ledge) at my in-laws cabin. They are quite brave (or fearless at least) as they choose to nest every year above the busiest door at the cabin.

  18. The birds here know better than to build a nest too near the house with Peanut the cat close at hand. I keep telling myself she's a grand-cat who will return home to her "mother," but I know I'm just deluding myself. I envy you for your bird nursery! Baron looks very protective.

  19. What wonderful neighbors to have!

  20. What a great place for a nest. You'll have the perfect opportunity to document the young bird's development.

  21. Baron kinda looks like he's manning his post....protecting the nest :) Those birds went all out to find a safe place ...even so far as to find one that came equipped w/ a four legged (the best kind ;) security guard! :)

  22. We would give our eye teeth to have bluebirds around here.

  23. Always nice to see a nest pretty birds around. I love the photo with Baron standing guard under it. :) He's such a handsome dog. Hubby wants a German Sheperd. I can't believe how many we see at
    the animal shelter. I want to bring them all home. :)
