Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Florida Wildflowers

Spring hadn't arrived yet in Florida but here and there patches of color showed up in the forests, sloughs, and along the beaches. Unfortunately, I couldn't identify most of the flowers but appreciated them all....


  1. Oh! Hibiscus! I love those flowers, TB! :-)

  2. Beautiful! They all look wonderful to me:)

  3. Still, you are way ahead of the rest of us!

  4. Beautiful flowers! It's always amazing for me to see the flowers that just pop up out of nowhere while here I am fertilizing, trimming, etc. Maybe they're trying to tell me something!!??

  5. I'm not much good with flower I.D.'s, but they sure are pretty!

  6. Hi TB...I just finished my count for the GBBC. I was so excited because this was my first one. Unfortunately the Grackles are here so the other birds aren't coming to the feeders as much as usual. I only counted 10 Cardinals and I usually have more than that. Wouldn't you know it, once I had submitted my numbers, I went outside and first thing I see is a Tufted Titmouse which I hadn't seen for the count :-(. Which leads me to my question...(and this is a real question, I'm not trying to be funny)...if there is more than one Titmouse, do I say Titmice? Thanks a bunch!

  7. Nice spots of color in my dreary winter day!

  8. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder not in the names that the flowers are called. Nice photos -- barbara

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  10. Very, very pretty and wonderful reminders of the spring to come!

  11. my mom would have loved these flower pics
