Troutbirder II

Troutbirder II
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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Locked out

No, not the house, nor the car, nor the computer. It's my damn  E blog owned by Google who won't let may into my very own Troutbirder and Troutbirder II. And if you don't think the like of Google, Amazon and a few other corporate mega giants aren't about to take over the world you are sadly mistaken. I expect a bill for zillions of dollars to soon be extracted from my savings account. However, this is round two of this particular crisis within the past two years. With the help of a former student of mine and owner operator of Spring Valley Tech Solutions LLC I will be able to submit a book review to Troutbirder II on Caesar's immortal the Gallic wars which opened with the words Veni, Vidi, Vici.  I came, I saw, I conquered.


  1. I wonder whaat the heck is going on?

  2. You will win this and conquer Ray. Hang in there.

  3. Ugh...not what you needed right now. Glad you had help to get it resolved.

  4. Dear Troutbirder, go for it!!!!!!! Both Julius and I are rooting for you! Peace.

  5. Just because it's a free service, I guess they think they can mess with us whenever they want to. Glad you found someone to help you. :-(

  6. It seems you are a perserverer! Take that, spellcheck!

  7. Another blogger (PhotosbyStan) had odd problems too. He gave up and stopped posting, which is a shame.

  8. Scream at the wall, it will do as much good! Glad you figured it out:)

  9. I echo DJan's comment. I tried to pay Amazon for a purchase and found that I had also enrolled in Google instead.

  10. I'm glad you were able to post again.

  11. Tech savvy friends and relatives are a must for some challenges. Victory dance in order!

  12. Technology! Good thing we enjoy it so much cuz it sure is a lot of trouble. Also good we have the younger generation to help us out.

  13. It's rather strange, isn't it? Yesterday I was "locked out" of Amazone Prime streaming on one of our TVs. It kept asking for my PIN number although I've never had a PIN and never been asked for one. The upstairs TV would stream Amazon Prime just fine. This afternoon I tried the other one again. It let me in and said nothing about signing in or asking for a PIN. The screen that had kept me out yesterday had disappeared. Hope you get back in soon.

  14. Wait....'take zillions out of your account'?? You have zillions? Ray, old buddy, I have this investment idea I want to run by you......

  15. Hi ray - I'm glad it's sorted ... did you see this sent to me by a blogging friend ... I have to do mine probably tomorrow ...

    It's easy for us to fix ... cheers Hilary
